the light within you


To the woman out there who has dimmed her light. This is for you. To the woman who may be in need of that slight nudge towards freedom and expansion and full immersion.

With so many other bright lights in the world, it can feel scary and intimidating to claim the space of stepping into your full power and potential. With social media and societal standards and pressures of prosperity - it can feel daunting to truly ask for what your heart wants and to step into your entire worthiness. I get it. I’ve been there. Many times.

We dim our light when we don’t feel worthy, or when we worry what another might think, or when we aren’t sure we’re enough or that we have what it takes. We dim our light when we don’t want to impose on another, or when we don’t want to seem to be too much, or to lessen the potential for misinterpretation. Dimming your light - it may be more of a common thing for the women in the world - I think that’s who this is for…but hey, who am I to say? 

It’s a growth space…this space of embracing all of your goodness. It’s a growth space to work on allowing your full authentic self to show up. It’s a space that is worth spending time in over and over again.

Every time I hear this quote it resonates on a deep cellular level: Better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.

The deep resonance is a reminder to check in with my values and with myself on how I am showing up in the world. Am I showing up fully? Am I being myself no matter the setting? Am I ok with not being what other people may expect or want me to be?

I think I do lose a part of myself at times when I’m unsure of how who I am will affect a space - usually it’s around possibly being too much or going too deep, or having too intense of eye contact. Things I have been told time and time again that I embody and for a short time I felt embarrassed by. With more time that passes though, when it comes to my words and my actions, I encourage myself to show up fully, with my full story behind me. I try not to dim that natural desire to connect deeper than I did before…I try not to make myself look away just to relieve the gaze I have as I meet another soul. I try my best to show up fully. I don’t hide the not-so-pretty. I’m not ashamed of my story, of my losses and my challenges. They’ve shaped me and shown me some of the most intricate pieces of myself and this life. Have you accepted and embraced your unique story? I think that accepting and owning our story is one intricate piece to allowing the light within you to shine out into the world. You have lived your story for a reason…your story matters, your story has made you who you are. Beautiful.

Those women out there that have that unapologetic confidence are the ones I seek and continue to learn from. They know who they are, what they are offering the world, and why it matters for them to BE all of who they are. We need more of this in our world today. Women, and men too, who are true to their souls calling. Who feel purpose in love and connection and show up in the world to make it a better place. 

When we shine and share our light with the world we are up-leveling the energetic space around us. When we’re connected to something physically and mentally and spiritually and emotionally we are in energetic alignment. When we vibrate there we raise the vibration of the world. 

Our experiences here on earth are unique to us. No-one else is living their life with a true understanding of you and your experience. We can share and connect, but our understanding is only as deep as our understanding of our own self, our own body, our own experience. 

I offer you the space today to step into your full authentic vibration of all that you are and all that you can offer this world. You are worthy. You are enough. You are beautiful. 

Give yourself permission to step into your full power.

Stepping into your full light may look like asking for that promotion you believe so strongly you deserve, or telling your partner about that one thing you want to try, or putting in an offer on that thing you believe is meant to be yours. It may be something big or it may be something small…but if it’s holding back your light - it’s something that’s worth everything. 

As I learn and grow in my own experience I hope to create a space for this child of mine to shine in whatever way he/she may desire. Allowing someone the space to be fully, completely, unapologetically themselves is a true gift. Thankfully I have people in my life that encourage me to shine in what way feels true to me…thankfully I have overcome the limits I had put on myself of perfection and now understand I am the one in control of my destiny and my experience and it will not always feel pretty. Thankfully I can tell you that no matter what or who tells you you can’t… you are the one who gets to choose and take action. No one else can get inside of you and control your experience and dim your light.

Be your light.

Embrace your light.

Love your light.

Share your light.

I am writing this as much for you today as I am writing this for myself today.

Thank you for being here and thank you for being YOU.

The world needs your light.

<3 Carli 


to you, little one


today and every day