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I’m here in the spirit of showing up.

To connect and collaborate and to help you if that happens to be a part of our path.

My experiences have led me here…

Birthed by the most incredible human I’ve come to know

The passing of my father in my first 4 years of existence to something I didn’t understand for a very long time

A unique bond forged with my Uncle that has stood the test of time

Started physical training at the age of 8

Setting big goals at the age of 11

Competed as a track and field athlete on a national level for most of my childhood

Earned a full-ride athletic scholarship to UC Berkeley, started for the volleyball team for four seasons where we made history, twice

10+ years of living abroad while playing professional volleyball

Overcame a couple of tough injuries; one of which should have ended my career

Earned a bronze medal in the 2016 Olympics

Lots of medals, lots of trophies, lots of ribbons and honors

Tons of self-doubt and questions and pain and loss

Writing. For as long as I can remember it’s been my passion, my easiest way of expression, and a form of healing

Deep joy in connecting and growing

Deeper joy in the acts of loving and showing up fully


“The moment I find the feeling place of love is when I feel good, at peace, like I’ve uncovered one of the greatest purposes in living.”