there emerged gratefulness


Today my blog may align directly to the scatterbrained being I feel to be lately. Every week I tell myself I will pick a blog topic and work on it earlier. Every week I find myself realizing Tuesday is tomorrow and I have no idea what I want to share. I’ve noticed a lot lately how scattered I feel. Now I definitely wouldn’t say it’s a negative thing - it just is that way. I feel some unsureness. Partly because I don’t know when I’ll be able to head overseas to meet my team. I feel weariness at times not knowing when/if any of what’s been going on will truly subside. Feeling like a wanderer with no real place to be may be the best way to express where I’m sitting currently. If that resonates with any of you - it’s a reminder for both of us that we’re not walking this path alone.

I’ve been finding myself reading books and exploring avenues that are new and differ from what I craved in the past. One of the feelings I’ve been searching for a lot more recently is joy. I’ve been looking for it, making sure I’m honoring myself and my boundaries and at the same time exploring what lights up my heart. Being on a bike is one of those things that brings me to a feeling-place of joy. I LOVE bike rides. So…I’ve been doing it more. I’ve made a commitment to myself to do the things and ask for the things that lift me up. In not-so-easy-times it truly is the little things that make a huge difference. Seeing others serving in their way is another one of those things that really warms my heart and inspires me. We all hold gifts we can share. Isn’t it beautiful to see those in service…to see the love spread and grow and make an impact……………. 

What I’m finding to be most helpful lately is consciously choosing and looking for things to be grateful for. It’s rather easy sometimes to sit in a puddle of complaint, to feed off of what’s around us and spread what’s difficult or daunting or negative. But there is so much more beauty in finding the good and spreading it and giving it and sharing it.

So apparently today my blog post is turning into a gratitude post. I’m feeling it on my heart to share the gratitude I have for the people around me that are bringing light and ease and joy to my life, along with the gratitude I feel for Mother Earth herself (Isn’t everything earth provides us with something to be grateful for? they’re gifts - she doesn’t owe us a thing), and also gratitude for my scattered brain because it led me here - and here feels pretty dang good. 

It’s so incredible what a consistent gratitude practice can do for myself. When I choose to find and feel whats going right instead of settling my thoughts and energies on anything lower - I am no longer choosing suffering. I am choosing what’s higher. I am choosing the vibrations of love and joy and gratefulness. These feel so much better than all the other stuff.

Now is the time I encourage you to find a moment to express your gratitude today. 

*here in my journal is where I went on to express my gratitude… i’ll choose to leave that out and continue the thoughtful part of my writing today…

I believe we must be intentional in how we want to experience life for us to be in a space of receiving the gifts of life we’re wishing for. With that I feel that the more we focus on anything the bigger it grows. If we put intentional, grateful thoughts towards specific things - those things expand. The more we find gratitude the more abundance in our lives. 

here is where I stop, and you start

Can you think of some things you’re grateful for? Can you share them? Can you speak them out loud? Hear your own voice say it - it’s even more powerful that way. 

The power of gratitude is where I’m resting my focus today…

I wish you wellness, goodness, and gratefulness, beautiful beings <3

With a grateful heart, Carli


on vulnerability

