showing up


In the year 2016, So. Much. Happened.

There are stories to be told all throughout that year which I hope to find the courage to share with you one day. But today is the day I want to tell you about this theme “to show up”. What it is, how it came to be, and the weight it holds for me.

The base of it: a true sense of freedom. Which was something that had been missing in my life. Until that year I had this shadow of “not-enoughness” that touched everything I did, tried, or thought of. The idea to “just show up” freed me. It became the space to embrace my authentic self and step into every moment exactly as I was with grace and ease and confidence. It became my motto, my tagline. The recurring theme in every journal entry.

When I showed up- I was bringing all of me to the table. I was letting myself be seen without holding anything back. It’s become a constant throughout these years in every aspect of my life. From playing volleyball, to having tough conversations, to trying something new. Like this. Right now. I’m showing up for you 100% right now. I’m nervous and excited, I have butterflies and a sense of fear. It’s all present as I write this. Knowing that it will be read, possibly judged, and perceived in myriad ways. And I am OK with that. With all of the possibilities. 

Because the important thing to me is that I honor myself. That I embrace all of myself and I trust my inner knowing. That I stay connected to this feeling place of love and continue attracting the life I want to live. 

That’s why I’ve created this space.

That’s why I’ve shown up.

That’s why I’m here.

I want to be here. To support you if I can. To show you what great possibilities this life can show us when we show up fully to it, to the moment and to ourselves. 


sharing a poem